Sunday, May 17, 2015

Hello, and welcome to the brand new World Photography Collaboration Blog!

We are a very diverse group of like-minded photographers from around the world, who have decided to get together to share our photos, comment and critique, learn from one another, and mostly to share in our similar love of photography.

Here is our Mission Statement:

           Our mission is to form a world-wide collaboration of photographers connecting on
 a personal level and sharing art in a safe and friendly environment.
No matter what level, or stage you are at in your photography, it is always a learning process. With the diversity of our group there is always someone somewhere who is doing something newer or differently than you. And that's what makes being a photographer exciting - learning new techniques and qualities of photography that you might not have previously known. There's nothing better than seeing how someone else shot a similar photo and having that "a-ha!" moment about how you could do it better, or differently the next time!
So, please take this moment to accept our invitation to join us in what we hope to be a great new experience in the world of photography!

The World Photography Collaboration

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