Tuesday, September 8, 2015

How to Isolate Your Subject in Lightroom

     This article comes to us by way of http://digital-photography-school.com, and their post contributor Andrew S. Gibson. This is a wonderful outlet for offering guidance on how to recreate beautiful photos using Adobe Lightroom. 

     This tutorial is all about isolating the subject in your photo by highlighting just the subject, and darkening the remainder of the photo; it gives a very nice affect by pinpointing exactly what you want the rest of us to see.  This process comes in very handy when there is a lot going on around what you are trying to shoot.

     As it is a rather big article, with great screen shots included, I am just going to include the web link for you to watch it on your own.  Hope you enjoy and learn from this!


     I would like to say 'thank you' to fellow WPC member, Shane Skip Cooper, who posted this to facebook, where I initially saw it.